Thursday, December 6, 2007

Week 9 (#23)

Well I am at the end of the tunnel at last. It has been hard going this last week, I have been busy with other things and as I had plenty of time to finish I seem to have slowed down.
I have enjoyed the journey even though it seems to have taken alot of time most days. There are web sites that I will most likely not be visiting again but now have the knowledge of their existance. I have had my eyes opened as to the absolute vastness of the Web. I knew there was a lot of stuff out there but am amazed by just how much, and we have only really skimmed the surface I am sure. I have learned alot and feel much more knowledgable about the web in general. Now when peolple talk about things like blogs, wikis, podcasts, you tube, flickr and social networking I will not feel like an idiot.
So thank you for providing the opputunity to do this program and would willingly participate in any in the future.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Week 9 (#22)

Net Libary: This format might be useful for some people but it is not for me. I thought it would be useful for students as there seems to be a good selection of Cliffs notes and classic titles.

I like the idea of books on line and the fact that you can add to your favourites and make notes about each one, which would be good for students or if you are doing research.

Very little if any contemporary fiction which is what I like to read and I like to actually have a book with pages that I can turn. I find it hard going to read much more than a page worth of writing from a computer screen at the best of times let alone a whole book. Also I would not be able to curl up with a computer or take it to bed to read, (I would hate to wake up and find the computer lying on my face!!!)